7 Dec 2015

Figma 227 Fate/Stay Night Saber 2.0 review

The first time i know about the figure series called "Figma" was when i  started to googling for any saber figure on 2013 and found this Saber Figma 003. 

(pic taken from google)

5 Dec 2015

Late updating

How many month is it since the last time i'm posting a review?  Lol, too many things happened since i started entering University. There are are various case, such as adapting to the new environment, university exam, and piling up assignment that make me work overnight..

I forgot to spare my time to do a figure photography during this periode.
Anyway, i started to spare some time and start posting again.

Maybe i'll forgot to do any work again in the future m(_ _)m

20 Jul 2015

SD 237S Build Fighter Star Winning Gudam preview

Forgot to count how much SD Sangokuden Gundam i've build before, but this is the most amazing SD i've ever build.

For those who are new on Bandai SD series:

SD Gundam (Japanese: SDガンダム Hepburn: Esu Dhī Gandamu?, short for Super Deformed Gundam) is a media franchise that spawned from the Gundam franchise. SD Gundam takes the mecha (and characters) from Gundam and expresses them in super deformed and anthropomorphic style

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SD_Gundam

basically,SD are the big head and a small body character/figure

(sorry for blurry image, i took most of the figure box with my phone camera)

This Star Winning Gundam, come from the "Gundam Build Fighter Try" anime, which is the sequel of "Gundam Build Fighter". Let me tell you a bit about the anime..

9 Jul 2015

Figfix 001 Kantai Collection Shimakaze half damaged version review

Figfix (Figma x Fixed x Figure) is a palm sized pvc figure (some people call them scale figure/statue) from Figma series by Max Factory. 

When you played the Kancolle game, there's always a chance for your Kanmusu (ship girl) to get shot by enemy during battle and get their clothes torn when they receive enough damage, here are the first damaged version of Kancolle character by Max Factory

I spend IDR 465.000 for this figfix because of the limited "bonus part", my friend bought the regular one for IDR 425.000. Compared to Figma,they are cheaper, maybe because there's not so much articulation on the figure.

29 Jun 2015

Figma 240 Kantai Collection Amatsukaze review

Still on Kancolle Figma \(=w=)/ this time its a 9th Ship of Japan's world war Kagerou-class Destroyer. the tsundere ship, Amatsukaze! 

Pre ordered her at online store that have a connection with Good Smile Company. She cost around 
IDR 600.000

Based on history, she is the test ship for a high-pressure boiler (try to google it)
which later was implemented to Shimakaze.
Since she is Shimakaze's prototype ship,so she can be counted as Shimakaze's senpai.
Lets start the review..

22 Jun 2015

Figma 214 Kantai Collection Shimakaze review

The first figma that i purchased using pre-order method (=w=)/ based on a character from Kantai Collection by Kadokawa, the popular online browser game which later got an Anime adaptation
(check Kancolle.wikia.com for the detailed info)

I forgot about the exact price,but it was around 600.000 to 700.000 IDR.. Anyway, lets take a look

Kantai Collection/Kancolle are known for their girl modified world war japanese ship (later they added more foreign ship), and Shimakaze was based on the original Destroyer type ship "Shimakaze"

19 Jun 2015

Figma 126 Fate/Zero Saber and ex:ride Saber Motored Cuirassier review

My first figma that i bought during the second AFAID event (reviewed later) on 2013.

At first, i was still clueless on anything about figma, so i decided to get the simplest one
that happen to be my favorite character, and goes on sale together with the ex:ride series.

So here they are, Figma 126 Fate/Zero Saber and ex:ride Saber Motored Cuirassier that i bought together for IDR 900.000

First, lets start with the box design (/=3=)/

17 Jun 2015

Figma? (introduction)

for those who are new to this action figure series:

The figma (フィグマ?) series is a Japanese action figure line produced by Max Factory and distributed by Good Smile Company. The product series is developed by the CEO of Max Factory, MAX Watanabe, as well as Masaki Apsy, and focuses on creating highly articulated hand-sized figures with a focus on popular anime characters. Each figma is sold with various accessories such as exchangeable faces, hands and other optional parts.Occasionally figma figures are based on other subjects such as characters from the Japanese voice synthesizing software, Vocaloid. the well-known Touhou game series and other popular Nintendo game series such as The Legend of Zelda and the Metroid series. There have also been a few figma figures based on real people, such as a figma of Michael Jackson from his "Thriller" music video.

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figma

22 May 2015

RG 1/144 ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam Review

RG or Real Grade was a new gundam scale released on 2010 this model include the Master Grade's inner frame system, but come with a cheaper price almost equal to the High Grade.

having just go on sell for 5 year compared to their older High Gradem Master Grade, and Perfect Grade Gunpla, Bandai was still increasing their RG Gunpla variation.

after gaining experience from the crazy Valvrave Hito Full Impact Mode plamo (reviewed later), i feel more prepared to build 1/144 Gunpla.

At first, i was going to grab the RG Exia with a 20% discount. But my hand stopped when i see the RG Strike Freedom with 30% discount.  i was already amazed by his MG version when i see how detail it is on google, so i choose RG Strike Freedom as my first Bandai original 1/144 Gunpla

this is going to be a long review,so brace yourself  \(=w=\)

Gundam Interest? Part2

My confidence on building Gunpla was crumbled when i bought this bootleg HG Gundam Leopard Destroy.. yeah Destroy,just like the name. at first i was attracted by the long range armament, and it somehow remind me about my old Gunpla. (only to found out they are the same Gundam several years later) it came from the same brand as the old Leopard

21 May 2015

Gundam interest? Part1

i always loved Gundam since i was a kid, althought i didnt watch most of the show..  hi-tech mecha stuff never fail to attract my attention (/=w=)/

my very first time to build Gunpla was when i was around 9 years old, i help my cousin build his (forgot the scale) Gundam X and it isn't properly build. the poor Gunpla ended abandoned because he put all of the rubber joint not on the proper place, so all of the the limb can't fit properly,even though i manage to place the sticker correctly.. we are too afraid of breaking the parts,if we pulled off the rubber joint with force.so.. R.I.P Gundam X

16 May 2015


Final exam was over,and the teacher finally give me the [you are graduate] paper..

and here i am,still without any target for the future. Still playing Monster Hunter 3 on my psp,
until my inner self spoke "your figure collection are scattered everywhere!
why not make a use of them for something rather than admiring and cleaning them each time?" 

so here i am.. Kevin Feng,decide to write a post as blogger and try to get "something" from it